Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Cottage Grove Photographer / Maternity Photos

I recently did a maternity photo shoot with someone I worked with years ago.  We haven't seen each other for years and all of a sudden I'm taking photos of her belly.  We thought that it would be kind of weird, but as it turned out, it didn't seem like years, only days since we last saw each other.
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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Cottage Grove Photographer / St. Mary's Basilica

I spent some time in St. Mary's Basilica in Minneapolis.  Some people think that big churches and cathedrals are only in Europe, but if you take some time, you can find them here too.  There are many beautiful things to photograph in the Basilica and I didn't know what to start with so I started with the alter.  I will post more photos of the inside in the future.